Grammar (Grammaire) unit 1 Preview

Je viens d’Aberdeen
C’est bien
Je vous présente mon mari
To say a bit about yourself you need to be able to use je with a few different verbs
je suis
I am
I have
je viens de
I come from
je travaille
I work

When people are asking you questions or giving you instructions, you’ll hear the vous form of the verb, which nearly always ends in -ez.
Vous venez d’où ?
Where do you come from?
Vous tournez à gauche
You turn left
Poussez !

When you’re talking more generally, you’ll find the phrase c’est very useful.

It means ‘it is’, ‘this is’ or ‘that is’, depending on context. Est is part of the verb être (to be).
C’est parfait
That’s perfect
C’est mon mari
This is my husband
Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
What is it?

English has only the one word ‘my’ but French has three – mon, ma, mes. The one you use depends on the gender of the word that follows:
Mon travail
My work (masculine singular)
Ma femme
My wife (feminine singular)
Mes enfants
My children (plural)

You don’t have to worry about gender when saying ‘your’. Votre goes with a singular word. Vos goes with a plural word.
Il est comment, votre travail ?
What’s your work like?
Vos étudiants
Your students

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