Grammar (Grammaire) unit 20 Football (Les jeux)

How to ask questions and to say whether something is good or bad

Qui va gagner ?
Quel est votre joueur préféré ?
Ils sont forts 

Just as English question words often begin 'wh', so French question words often begin 'qu': qui (who), quand (when), que (what), quoi (what), quel (which). Other question words include où (where), comment (how), combien (how much) and pourquoi (why).

Use quoi only at the end of a sentence, or after a preposition (such as pour, à).
Vous faites quoi ?
What are you doing?
Vous jouez à quoi ?
What do you play?

Quel is an adjective. It is always accompanied by a noun with which it agrees in gender and number.
Quel joueur ?
Which player? (masculine singular)
Quelle équipe ?
Which team? (feminine singular)
Quels joueurs ?
Which players? (masculine plural)
Quelles equipes ?
Which teams? (feminine plural)

Est-ce que has no meaning of its own, but it turns a sentence into a question. It can also be combined with où, qui, quand or que.
Qu'est-ce que vous pensez du match?
What do you think of the match?
(needs link to other question notes)

To describe a player or team as 'good', the word fort meaning 'strong' is often used. As it's an adjective, this can be forte, forts or fortes.
L'équipe est très forte.
The team's very strong

To say that a team or player is bad, you can use mauvais, but a more colloquial alternative is nul or nulle, which means "rubbish".
Comment est le match ?
What's the match like?
Vous êtes supporteur de qui ?
Whom do you support?
Le meilleur gardien français.
The best French goalkeeper
Mes pires erreurs.
My worst mistakes

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